The 23 BIEN Congress
University of Bath
29-31 August 2024
Pedro Szekely/Flickr. Creative Commons (by-sa)
The Congress
Reclaiming the Future. Basic Income and Socio-Ecological Transformation
29-31 of August
In Person and Virtual Conference
BIEN 2024 is focused on basic income’s potential as a tool for social transformation towards an economically just, politically inclusive and ecologically sustainable world. The Congress theme is thus about constructing a transformative vision of society – built on the principles of universal sufficiency, social and distributive justice, inclusion, care, and ecological sustainability – and exploring the role of basic income in that vision, and the best strategies to achieve it. We seek theoretical and empirical contributions around basic income’s transformative social and ecological possibilities, covering what we know, what we still don’t, and what additional or complementary policies and programming are essential in achieving transformative change. We welcome contributions that are critical of a universal basic income. See full description here
A Comment on the Semi-Virtual Nature of the event
'The organisers of the Congress are keen to ensure a balance between quality, depth, and breadth of participation. We want to avoid the tech cost and operational challenges typical of hybrid events, to facilitate the thick participation that most commonly emerges from sharing space and time, and to enable participation by those who for whatever reason are unable or unwilling to travel.
To this end, the Congress will combine in person and virtual participation. All plenary and most parallel sessions will be livestreamed. Two of the six panel streams will combine in-person and zoom access to enable presentation and engagement from all over the world, while four panel streams will be in-person only.
We are actively raising funds to offer bursaries to those for whom resource constraints reduce the likelihood of being able to participate in person.'


What is BIEN?
The Basic Income Earth Network is a network of academics and activists interested in the idea of basic income. It serves as a link between individuals and groups committed to or interested in basic income, and fosters informed discussion on this topic throughout the world. BIEN's website defines a basic income as "a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement."